Svelte List Group - Flowbite

Use the list group component to display a series of items, buttons or links inside a single element

The list group component can be used to display a series of elements, buttons or links inside a single card component similar to a sidebar.

Setup #

  • Svelte
  import { Listgroup, ListgroupItem } from 'flowbite-svelte'

Default list group #

Here’s an example of a list group that you can use right away.

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  • Profile
  • Settings
  • Messages
  • Download
  • Svelte
  import { Listgroup } from 'flowbite-svelte'
  let simpleList = ["Profile", "Settings", "Messages", "Download"]

<Listgroup items={simpleList} let:item class="w-48">

List group with links #

You can also display a series of links inside the list group element. Notice how items provide the href field.

You need to set the list to active mode to enable hovering, focus and links.

If list is active and data items contain href field entries are presented as <a> elements.

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  • Svelte
  import { Listgroup } from 'flowbite-svelte'
  let links = [
    { name: "Accordions", href: "/accordion", current: true },
    { name: "Alerts", href: "/alerts" },
    { name: "Badges", href: "/badges"  },
    { name: "Breadcrumbs", href: "/breadcrumbs" },

<Listgroup active items={links} let:item class="w-48">

List group with buttons #

It is also possible to display a list of button element inside the list group component. The following example includes an active and disabled item as well.

You need to set the list to active mode to enable hovering, focus and on:click.

If list is active and data items do not contain href field entries are presented as <button> elements triggering on:click events.

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  • Svelte
  import { Listgroup } from 'flowbite-svelte'
  let buttons = [
    { name: "Profile", mycustomfield: "data1", current: true },
    { name: "Settings", mycustomfield: "data2" },
    { name: "Messages", mycustomfield: "data3" },
    { name: "Download", mycustomfield: "data4",  disabled: true },

<Listgroup active items={buttons} let:item class="w-48" on:click={(e) => alert(Object.entries(e.detail))}>

List group with icons #

Use the following example to create a list of buttons as a menu together with SVG icons.

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  • Svelte
  import { Listgroup, UserCircle, InformationCircle } from 'flowbite-svelte'
  let icons = [
    { name: "Profile",   icon: UserCircle },
    { name: "Settings",  icon:InformationCircle },
    { name: "Messages",  icon:UserCircle },
    { name: "Download", icon:InformationCircle },

<Listgroup active items={icons} let:item class="w-48" on:click={console.log}>
    <svelte:component this={item.icon} class="mr-2 w-5 h-5" />

Advanced #

When non standard usage is needed you can omit the items props and add elements directly to the list. Usage of hidden so far ListgroupItem helps you with proper layout.

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User list

Delete user
  • Svelte
  import { Listgroup, ListgroupItem, Avatar } from 'flowbite-svelte'

<Listgroup active class="w-48">
    <h3 class="text-xl font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-white">User list</h3>
    <ListgroupItem class="text-base font-semibold gap-2">
      <Avatar src="/images/profile-picture-1.webp" size="xs"/>Jese Leos
    <ListgroupItem class="text-base font-semibold gap-2">
      <Avatar src="/images/profile-picture-2.webp" size="xs"/>Robert Gouth
    <ListgroupItem class="text-base font-semibold gap-2">
      <Avatar src="/images/profile-picture-3.webp" size="xs"/>Bonnie Green
    <a href="/" class="flex items-center p-3 text-sm font-medium text-red-600 bg-gray-50 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:bg-gray-600 dark:text-red-500 hover:underline rounded-b-lg">
      <svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="w-6 h-6 mr-3"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M14.74 9l-.346 9m-4.788 0L9.26 9m9.968-3.21c.342.052.682.107 1.022.166m-1.022-.165L18.16 19.673a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.244 2.077H8.084a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.244-2.077L4.772 5.79m14.456 0a48.108 48.108 0 00-3.478-.397m-12 .562c.34-.059.68-.114 1.022-.165m0 0a48.11 48.11 0 013.478-.397m7.5 0v-.916c0-1.18-.91-2.164-2.09-2.201a51.964 51.964 0 00-3.32 0c-1.18.037-2.09 1.022-2.09 2.201v.916m7.5 0a48.667 48.667 0 00-7.5 0" /></svg>
Delete user

Props #

The component has the following props, type, and default values. See types page for type information.

Listgroup #

Name Type Default
items ListGroupItemType[] []
active boolean false

ListgroupItem #

Name Type Default
active boolean getContext('active')
current boolean false
disabled boolean false
href string ''

Forwarded Events #

ListgroupItem #

on:blur on:change on:click on:focus on:keydown on:keypress on:keyup on:mouseenter on:mouseleave on:mouseover

References #

Flowbite List Group